Amendments to Drop off and Pick Up arrangements
Good morning
The children are all settled back in school and are learning about the changes that we have made to make sure that they are all safe whilst in class and playing outdoors. As you know, we have issued families lots of guidance about pick up and drop off times to ensure that social distancing guidance is followed in order to keep the children and staff as safe as possible. This morning was our first day back and although in most parts, drop off ran smoothly, a few issues have been highlighted:-
- Social distancing – it is very important that we all follow the guidelines regarding not being too close to other people. Families should be standing 1M+ apart when dropping off and picking up their children. We have vulnerable parents, children and staff who need this guidance to be followed at all times.
- Only 1 adult per child - in order to reduce the number of people at the school gates, only 1 parent should drop off/pick up their child each day
- Chatting on the path – please do not stay and chat to other adults once you have dropped your child off. Move away from the premises as quickly and safely as possible
- Gates and doors – gates and doors into school will be open slightly before pick up and drop off time and will be manned by members of staff to ensure that children enter school quickly and safely. I will be on the infant path each morning, Danny the site manager will be at the wrap around gate and Mrs Calleja will be at the Y4/5 gate. Additional staff will also be at entry and exit points on a rota.
- Y3/Y6 drop off and pick up – to ensure that the children can enter and exit school more quickly and smoothly, the car park gate will be open for Y6 children to enter and exit school. Can all Y6 parents line up on the pavement on the right of the car park entrance (where the security post is). Y 3 parents will pick up and drop off at the wrap around gate. Can all Y3 parents line up to the left of the car park entrance (where the fence bends around towards the school office)
We also understand that families with more than one child at St Andrew’s may encounter difficulties due to different drop off and pick up times and we will make sure that doors are open and manned for a few minutes extra to make sure that all children can enter through the correct gate. Please do not take your child through the school office except in exceptional circumstances.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please speak to Mrs Kerwin or I.
Thank you for following the guidance and ensuring that you are socially distanced at school. Together we can make sure that our children, families and staff are as safe as possible.