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St Andrew's Church of England Primary School home page

St. Andrew's Church of England
Primary School


Welcome to Reception!


My name is Miss Wakeham and I am the Reception teacher. Our classroom assistants are Mrs Pandzioch, Miss Kerwin and Miss Morley. 

We are a class of 30 amazing children who are excited to learn new things every day. 


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday, children come into school wearing their PE kits. 


On this page you will find key information all about EYFS.


Evidence Me


You may see less pictures on our class page as these are shared directly with parents and carers on Evidence Me, our online platform. 

Autumn 1

Reception walked to the Co-op to buy fruit and vegetables. When we arrived back at school we made a delicious fruit salad.

Reception enjoy exploring with Play-doh. This helps them with their fine motor skills such as, holding a pencil. 

During Art this half term, we have been learning about Frida Kahlo. Reception have explored different ways to create a portrait. 

Autumn 2

During this half term Reception have been learning about different celebrations. The children learnt about Diwali and created beautiful diva lamps in DT. They also learnt about Bonfire Night and how to keep safe around fire. 

During our RE lessons, Reception enjoyed re-telling the Christmas story!

Windmill Farm!

Reception enjoyed their Christmas trip to Windmill Farm. The children were so excited to see Father Christmas and look at all the animals. 

Spring 1

Reception had a fun Pirate Day! They enjoyed lots of pirate activities including; going on a treasure hunt and making telescopes. 

Reception loved learning about Chinese New Year! They had a taste of different Chinese foods.

Spring 2

During this half term, our topic was dinosaurs! Reception had a brilliant visit from TeachRex. They enjoyed meeting Jam the T-Rex, making movies on a green screen and holding baby dinosaurs too. It was such a fun day!

During our castle topic, we had a Medieval Day! The children loved playing in our castle role play area, writing with quills and building their own castles out of recycled materials. 

Summer 1

Quality Mark Report

Early Reading Meeting for parents/carers - 6th October 2022 PowerPoint and handouts

We were very proud to be awarded the Early Years Quality Mark last year in recognition of our excellent practice. Please see the report above. 

St Andrew's Church of England Primary School logo

Contact Us

Deyes Lane, Maghull
Liverpool, L31 6DE

Telephone: 0151 526 1378
