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St Andrew's Church of England Primary School home page

St. Andrew's Church of England
Primary School

Contact Details

St. Andrew's Maghull Church of England Primary School,
Deyes Lane Maghull
L31 6DE


School Opening / Start Time - 08:50am


School Closing / End Time - 15:20 = 32.5 hours a week  

Headteacher: Mr Simon Jones


Deputy Headteacher/Inclusion Leader (SENCO): Mrs. Paula Dwan

Telephone: Mrs. L. Gaskell 0151 526 1378


Chair of Governors:  Dr Helen O'Keeffe (contact via School Office)


Inclusion Manager including SEND: Mrs Paula Dwan, c/o school office



Parental Contact Email: (to be used by parents/carers to contact school)

Twitter: @StAndrewsCoE


Trust Data Protection Lead

Alison Tennant

Email :-


Please ask the School Office if you require paper copies of any information. This will be provided free of charge. 


Proud Member of the Liverpool Diocesan Schools Trust

LDST Website Link 

St James' House, 20 St James Road,

Liverpool L1 7BY

0151 705 2175

LDST E-mail:


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Contact Us

Deyes Lane, Maghull
Liverpool, L31 6DE

Telephone: 0151 526 1378
