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St. Andrew's Church of England
Primary School


Writing at St Andrew's


The overarching aim for Writing at our school is to promote high standards of procedural accuracy, compositional flair and imaginative storytelling, with a good command of the written word. We will develop the children’s love of writing through: widespread reading of high-quality texts, across all aspects of the curriculum; expert, direct modelling and scaffolding of the teaching of writing; and presenting the children with varied, engaging writing opportunities daily. St Andrews’ children will be inspired to become independent, life-long enthusiasts of writing, with the skills required to become active and valuable members of the local, national and international community. 

St Andrew's CE Primary - Writing Policy

St Andrew's Writing Long Term Plan

Writing progression at St Andrew's


The documents below set out how, at St Andrew's, we ensure that the children progress as writers. Each progression map covers how the children develop their learning at Word level, Sentence level and Text level. It also outlines how the children will progress in understanding of different punctuation throughout their journey in school. During our daily sentence accuracy work, the children constantly review and develop writing skills taught in the preceding year groups, and earlier on in their current year group. This vital 'retrieval' work allows the children to fully embed learning in their long-term memory, freeing up working memory to develop new skills in writing.

Our progression maps also show how different genres, intended audiences and writing purposes are visited and then re-visited throughout a child's writing journey, building on prior learning at each visit.  

St Andrew's CE Primary - Writing Thematic Journey

At St Andrew’s, our children explore key personal development themes through high quality children’s literature. Many of our

school Christian Values are also explored  through the carefully selected texts that we choose to study.

Reading and writing is also an important driver for learning across the wider curriculum, with texts used to support learning in all subject areas.

Our Road map shows where these themes occur throughout a child’s flourishing reading and writing journey at St Andrew’s. 


St Andrew's Writing Thematic Journey

St Andrew's CE Maghull English - Spirituality across the Curriculum

St Andrew's Church of England Primary School logo

Contact Us

Deyes Lane, Maghull
Liverpool, L31 6DE

Telephone: 0151 526 1378
