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St Andrew's Church of England Primary School home page

St. Andrew's Church of England
Primary School


Together in Gods love we learn, inspire and grow


As Church of England school, everything we do in school is guided by our identity as a church school. Decision made on a daily basis our made with Christian values at our heart. Our school mission statement is 'Together in God's love we learn, inspire and grow' which was developed with our church St Andrew's Maghull. Each day we strive for our children to develop their spiritually, morally, socially and cultural through a range of experiences including daily collective worship. Each half term we have a focus on one our Christian values, with these being explored through collective worship, worships in class and promoted by our Wow group.  


Our collective worships are led by our Headteacher, all teaching staff, Reverend Janice and Simon the Vicar. We also have other members of the Christian community coming in to deliver collective worship with Brian delivering these on Thursday. 


Our strong RE curriculum is highly influential in the spiritual, moral, cultural, social and emotional development of pupils, making a significant contribution in preparing pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. It strengthens our understanding of Christian values, empowering pupils make positive choices. 


Teaching our core syllabus 'Questful RE’ (developed by Blackburn Diocesan Board of Education), we aim to equip our children with the skills and knowledge to hold their own, informed conversations about faith and religion. Through this syllabus, we ensure the opportunity to develop a wide range of higher level skills such as enquiry, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and reflection, thus deepening children’s understanding of the impact of religion on the world and enabling them to express personal views with consideration and confidence. We supplement Questful RE with Understanding Christianity, a resource developed by the Church of England Education Office. The key purpose of the Understanding Christianity project is to help all teachers support pupils in developing their own thinking and their understanding of Christianity, as a contribution to their understanding of the world and their own experience within it. Units in Questful RE are paired with units from Understanding Christianity to ensure our children receive a deep, rich RE education.


RE lessons are taught weekly with wider opportunities for RE beyond the classroom include visits to church, visitors to school, themed days and weeks and visits to places of religious interest. 80% of RE curriculum time is dedicated to learning about Christianity and 20% to other faiths, as recommended by the Diocese of Blackburn.



Worship and Collective Worship play a vital part in our school day. Our school has Christian Values running through it and we see this in the behaviour, comments and actions of children and staff each day. 


Children take part in acts of Collective Worship every day either in class or in Key Stages. Children also say lunch time and home time prayers. 


Children in our school have weekly RE lessons but the values, morals and expectations of behaving in a Christian way are taught in each lesson and interaction in our school. 

WOW Group


Our WOW group is made up of a child from every class in the school. As a WOW group we meet to discuss the RE in our school and the children help to plan worships and events in school which will help to promote our Christian vision. The children in the group attend Church Parade at St Andrew's Church and help to lead the worship there through prayers and readings.


WOW Group created a healing prayer wall

Making Cards For Elderly Neighbours (103!)

Wow Group Christmas Appeal 2021

WOW Group Update


Today we met to discuss the upcoming Remembrance Service in church. The WOW Group worked together to discuss the actions they would like to take in order to properly reflect at this time. They agreed that we should create a whole school display with each class contributing poppies. Members of WOW Group will be writing prayers and researching quotes to go on the display too. We will also be attending Church Parade on Sunday 14th October. 

Prayer Week

St Andrew's Church of England Primary School logo

Contact Us

Deyes Lane, Maghull
Liverpool, L31 6DE

Telephone: 0151 526 1378
